
I am at the high altitude in the Andes. Very dry atmosphere at 3,400 m and fierce sun during the day. I am using the balancing balm, serum and lip balm. All excellent and helping my skin to stay hydrated.
— Debby B.
When you said there was a cleansing bar, balancing balm, and nourishing serum, I shuddered at the thought of using the balancing balm. I have stayed away from toner for about 15 years as everything just irritated me. Alas, your Balancing balm is really calming and soothing and I love it. It’s all working well. The cleansing bar is gentle, alas if you get it in your eyes it does sting but most products do! My skin does feel smoother and more plump. It’s good to put product on and feel like it’s being absorbed and nourishing. My colleagues at work asked if I was having an affair! I must have been glowing with your product. I look forward to putting on the nourishing serum tonight. It also is good on my hands, as I get eczema on my hands if I use crap products, so far so good.
— Stacey
The soap is a no brainer in its simplicity but the spray and serum have really affected my skin. I couldn’t really figure out what it was at first however now I can see that my pores are less obvious (this had been really bothering me) and that there is a definite reduction in lines in certain places and just a complete lack of dryness.
— Hayley M.
I have very oily skin on my face, particularly on the forehead and the nose area. On a typical day, after the morning shower, by the time the hour hand turns to 11,my face is already greasy and feels unpleasant. Though I reckon it is still undergoing ‘treatment’ or transformation, with the use of your product, my face feels much more balanced and lighter than usual. I think you are onto something fantastic here!
— VC
The bar is quite different from anything I’ve ever used before.  It feels so nice on the skin and does a great job of lifting away make-up and cleansing the skin - my skin feels very clean but at the same time it also feels nourished and soft and more supple somehow. I’ve never had a product that does both those things at the same time.  Usually one product removes the oil, make-up etc with varying levels of success but always makes the skin feel dry and stripped. Then I have to use something else to put back some moisture and nourishment.  I think you’ve got a good thing going here!
— Andrea F.